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Repertory Profile

The Department is a part of Homoeopathy faculty of Smt. K. B. Abad Homoeopathic Medical College, Bhamashah Shri V. D. Mehta Dev-Vijay (Pune) Post Graduate Institute of Homoeopathy & Research Centre and Shri R. P. Chordiya Hospital, Neminagar Chandwad which is affiliated to MUHS, Nashik and is a constituent unit of Shri Neminath Jain Brahmacharyashram (SNJB), Chandwad, Dist Nashik Maharashtra.

The department offers the UG as well as the PG Degree and is involved in the integrated teaching offered by other departments for Final BHMS students. The PG department participates in other Post graduates courses such as Homoeopathic Materia Medica and Organon of Medicine.

The Repertorization is not the end but means to arrive to the Simillimum together with Materia Medica based on sound principles of philosophy. The prime Aim of the department is to impart quality medical education & application of Homoeopathic principles in CLINICAL PRACTICE with Nation Building through character Buildings.

Teaching of repertorisation should not merely be reduced to rubric hunting exercise. Patient is not of bundle of rubric .Logic of repertory, is delivered from Organon of Medicine as such repertory should not be taught in isolation for this we are learning and teaching to student as -

  • Learning the language of Repertory is meaning of Rubrics in co-relation with Materia Medica in clinical experiences.  
  • Correlation of Repertory with Therapeutics & Materia Medica in clinical class.  
  • Hompath MD, Wildfire, RADAR 9.1, Opus, Simillimum Ultra, Kentian and Organon 96 softwares are regularly used for teaching cross repertorisation & cross checking.
  • Interns are doing repertorisation by using RADAR (9.1 and Opus) & Hompath (MD & Wildfire) from the cases of OPD & IPD.

The department has separate UG and PG Library with adequate number of books in each library for reference purpose. The department has a computer lab with 5 computers and 5 Homoeopathic softwares which can be utilized for research purpose with internet facility.

Modern teaching methods e.g. use of LCD projector & OH projector and various Audio Visual aids are used for easy understanding & grasping the subject matter by students with attached  Audiovisual hall. The department organizes regular seminars inviting people of National and International repute.

The department has formed a rubric hunting bank of major repertories in the subject for more Practical training of students.  The department conducts regular internal assessment examination of the students to assess the academic performance. This helps the department to identify academically slow learners, so that emphasis can be given to them to improve their academic performance.

Dr. (Mrs.) A. S. Pareek

Dr. (Mrs.) A. S. Pareek

  • Designation : Professor  
  • Qualification : B.H.M.S., M. D. (Hom), PhD Scholar
  • MCH Registration No.: 28575, 26-03-1999
  • Date of Birth : 11-05-1976
  • Date of Joining in the Institute : 09-04-2008
  • Mobile No : 9765310170/8669123226
  • E-mail Id :,
  • Address : Swami Samarth Colony, Chandwad, Dist. Nashik
Dr. S. R. Jangada

Dr. S. R. Jangada

  • Designation : Associate Professor
  • Qualification : D.H.M.S., M. D. (Hom)
  • MCH Registration No.: 26765, 10-06-1998
  • Date of Birth : 14-09-1975
  • Date of Joining in the Institute: 01-08-2001
  • Mobile No : 9823041661
  • E-mail Id :,
  • Address : Shreeram Nagar, Kotamgaon Road, Lasalgaon, Dist. Nashik
Dr. S. A. Jain

Dr. S. A. Jain

  • Designation : Associate Professor  
  • Qualification : B.H.M.S., M. D. (Hom)
  • MCH Registration No.: 45575, 05-08-2008
  • Date of Birth : 22-08-1983
  • Date of Joining in the Institute: 13-01-2015
  • Mobile No : 9422713638
  • E-mail Id :
  • Address : M. G. Road, Lasalgaon, Dist. Nashik
Dr. S. S. Surana

Dr. S. S. Surana

  • Designation : Assistant Professor  
  • Qualification : B.H.M.S.
  • MCH Registration No.: 42289, 18-01-2007
  • Date of Birth : 24-05-1982
  • Date of Joining in the Institute: 01-04-2011
  • Mobile No : 9422274150
  • E-mail Id :
  • Address : 11, Anmol Kohinoor, Tidke Colony, Nashik
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Dr. P. H. Deore

  • Desgnation : Assistant Professor  
  • Qualification : B.H.M.S., M. D. (Hom)
  • MCH Registration No.: 45454, 29-07-2008
  • Date of Birth : 12-05-1985
  • Date of Joining in the Institute:  01-06-1920
  • Mobile No : 9860825932
  • E-mail Id :
  • Address : A/P.- Umrana Tal. Chandwad Dist Nashik

Month & YearNo. of Student AppearedNo. of Students Passed% of Result
Winter - 2017 69 02 97.10
Summer-2018 30 28 93.33
Winter-2018 83 81 97.59
Summer-2019 26 04 84.61
Winter-2019 72 68 94.44
Summer-2020 18 16 88.88
Winter-2020 04 02 50.00
Summer-2021 87 86 98.85
Winter-2021 72 70 97.00
Summer-2022 23 21 91.30
Winter-2022 93 90 96.77
Summer-2023 15 13 86.66
Winter-2023 97 96 99.00


Month & YearNo. of Student AppearedNo. of Students Passed% of Result
Winter - 2017 1 1 100
Summer-2019 3 3 100
Summer-2020 3 3 100
Summer-2021 2 2 100
Winter-2022 1 1 100
Winter-2023 2 2 100


Month & YearNo. of Student AppearedNo. of Students Passed% of Result
Winter - 2017 4 4 100
Winter-2018 2 2 100
Summer-2019 1 1 100
Winter-2020 2 2 100
Winter-2021 2 2 100
Winter-2022 2 2 100
Summer-2023 1 1 100
Summer-2024 1 1 100

Graph of Result

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Month & Year of ExamName of the Student
Winter - 2017 Miss. Samiksha Nahar
Summer - 2018 Miss. Priyanka Kachhwa
Winter-2018 Miss. Garima Jain
Summer-2019 Miss. Garima Manoj Jain
Winter-2019 Miss. Apurva Bharat Jain
Summer-2020 Miss. Sakshi Sakhala

Miss. Pallavi Ashok Mahajan

Miss. Amrutaben Rajkumar Chaudhari


Miss. Ruchi Ravikumar


Miss.  Shwejal Tatiya


Miss. Mayuri Chaudhari


Miss. Tejal Jain


Miss.  Richa Nanavaty


Miss.  Priyanka Shinde


Miss. Tejal Wankhede

Students Project

Sr. No.




Study of Anacardium and Rhus Tox from Mind Section of Kent’s  Repertory

 Miss. Komal Pawar


Study of Delusion of Belladonna, Hyoscyamus and Stramonium from  Synthetic Repertory

 Miss. Tasika Gaggar


Study of Cross References presented in BTPB

 Miss. Yashshree Sancheti


Unique Rubrics of Boger Synoptic Kay

 Miss. Rohini Waghmare


Difficult Rubrics from Kent's Repertory

 Miss. Tejal Wankhede

Past Event

08/02/2010 Dr. A. K. Mohanty Art of Case Taking And Understanding Delusions
31/07/2010 Dr. Kannan Hidden Treasures of Repertory
06/08/2010 Dr. A. K. Mohanty Understanding Mind Section of Repertory
18/09/2010 Dr. Kishore Mehata PG approach to Homoeopathy
27/08/2011 Dr. S. K. Tiwari Basics of Repertory
12/09/2011 Dr. Sunil Ghodke Understanding Mind Rubrics
22/10/2012 Dr. Gaurang Gaikwad How to Study HMM & Repertory
12/02/2014 Dr. (Mrs.) A. S. Pareek Repertorial Approach to Thyroid Cases
19/04/2014 Dr. Shyamal Kishor Rubrics of delusion & delirium
17/11/2014 Dr. A. S. Pareek Introduction to synopsis
19/08/2014 Dr. S. I. Chordiya Steps to Repertorization
01/12/2015 Dr. A. S. Pareek Introduction to curriculum
06/08/2016 Dr. Yogesh Rathod Case presentation
25/08/2016 Dr. Ambrish Vijaykar & Group  Introduction to Homoeopathy Awareness
16/09/2016   Organised a Health Check up camp on Respiratory diseases by the department
17/07/2017 Dr. Ambrish Vijaykar & Group  Predictive Homoeopathy and theory of suppression
 10 & 12 October 2017  Dr. (Mrs) Arpana S. Pareek attended workshop on STUDENTS ASSESSMENT conducted by Health Sciences Education Technology as Univet Co-ordinator at MUHS
02-04-2018 to 07-04-2018 Dr. (Mrs.) Arpana S. Pareek attended advanced workshop on Research Methodology for PhD student at MUHS, Nashik
27-09-2018 Dr. S. I. Chordiya participated in Orientation cum Training Programme on "Linking Research with Education" organized by the Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy, Ministry of AYUSH, at New Delhi.
26-02-2021 Dr. Arpana Pareek attended webinar on "Registration of Clinical Trials and Publishing the Outcomes in a Suitable Journal by CCRH Delhi."
07-09-2021 Dr. Kavita Chandak - Clinical application of Nosodes and Sarcodes in practice.
07-04-2022 Dr. Santoshkumar A. Gite - Understanding Psychodynamics through Pathology
20-08-2022 Dr. Sandesh Chaudhary - Understanding of Mind Rubrics and it's utility in the management of various diseases
07-10-2022 Dr. Randeep Singh - Homoeopathy The Science of Future
05-10-2023 Dr. Vrushinit Saudagar - Utility of Repertory in Psychiatric cases
28-03-2024 Dr. Anjali Upadhyay - Biostatistics
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Interdepartmental Activity

Inter Departmental Seminar on Integrated Approach in the Diagnosis and Management of Diabetes Mellitus.


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Seminar for Teaching Staff, PhD Students and PG Students

Seminar by Dr. A. S. Pareek on "Technique of Writing Research Article"

Departmental Library

Departmental Library is for the ref. of books for the department which includes more than 280 books.

Dr. Mrs. A. S. Pareek

  1. Hypothyroidism and its management, Mission (College Journal) 2008-2009
  2. Interpretation of Mind Rubrics – A book presented to Internees - November 2010
  3. Hair and its care Published in BulletinNew Life Era – November 2013 Edition.
  4. A Comparison between Synthesis and Complete Repertory Published in Bulletin New Life Era – March 2014 Edition.
  5. Hahnemann’s Family in Bulletin New Life Era – April 2014 Edition.
  6. A Comparison between Synthesis and Complete Repertory, Alumni Souvenir of GHMC, Gondia “Milestones” January 2015.
  7. Case Study of Hypothyroidism in Bulletin New Life Era – February 2015 Edition.
  8. Therapetics Hints for female genitourinary complaints in homoeopathic practice by Dr. William D. Gentry - Homoeopathy the Friend of Health Oct. 2016 Edition.
  9. Fear and Phobia - A repertorial approach through synthesis repertory published in Homoeoshree Edition, April-June 2017.
  10. Analysis of Repertorial Result published in Vital Informer, August 2018 Edition.
  11. The Accoucheur's Emergency Manual-Homoeopathy in Pregnancy by W. A. Yingling with Dr. Tejal  Lunkad (MD Part II Repertory) in Mission January 2019 Edition, ISSN 2582-9408
  12. Nasal Polyp and Its Homoeopathic Management, KBA's Mission, April-June 2022 Edition,  ISSN 2582-9408
  13. The study of Calcarea Carbonica with the help of Rubrics, with Dr. Rohini Thakre (MD Part II Repertory) in KBA's Mission, April-June 2022 Edition,  ISSN 2582-9408
  14. Exploring Various Shades Of Anxiety Through Different Repertories And Its Utility In Facilitating The Diagnosis Of The Similimum: A Prospective Observational Study – International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews – September 2022 Edition.
  15. A Case report of major depressive episode with social phobia treated with individualized homoeopathic medicine - The Homoeopathic Heritage - January 2023 Edition.
  16. Efficacy of Homoeopathic Remedy Nat Carb in the treatment of Lichen Simplex Chronicus, KBA's Mission, Oct-Dec 2022 Edition.,  ISSN 2582-9408
  17. Efficacy of Individualized Homoeopathy Medicine in Irritable Bowel Syndrome:  A Case Study with Dr. Sanket Lodha (MD Part I Repertory),  KBA's Mission, April-June 2023,  ISSN 2582-9408
  18. Scope of Boger Boenninghausen Characteristics and Repertory in the selection of Medicine in Common Acute Surgical Complaints in KBA's Mission, July-September 2023,  ISSN 2582-9408
  19. A case report of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Treated with Individualized Homoeopathic Medicine - Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, An International Open Access Journal Peer-reviewed, Referred Journal, December 2023 Edition.
  20. Effectiveness of Individualized Homoeopathic Medicine in Hypothyroidism, A Case Study with Dr. Reena Bhanushali (MD Part I Repertory),  KBA's Mission, October-December 2023,  ISSN 2582-9408
  21. Anxiety Disorder and its Homoeopathic Management, Comprehensive Advanced Specific Summarised Studies - For Homoeopathy Science (CASS Studies), Vol 7 Issue 1, January-June 2024, ISSN 2581-6403
  22. Effectiveness of Multidisciplinary Nursing care on Surgical Outcomes in Diabetic Patients – SCOPUS INDEXED, Journal of Population Therapeutics and Clinical Pharmacology Volume Issue: - Vol. 31 No. 08, 2561-8741 
  23. Utility of Robin Murphy’s Repertory in the management of Tonsillitis, IJIRT ISSN UG approved (Journal No. 47859) & 7.37 Impact Factor, volume 11, issue 05, ISSN 2349-6002
  24. Integrating Homoeopathy with Conventional Psoriasis Treatments:  A narrative review of Complementary approaches – SCOPUS INDEXED, Journal of Complementary Medicine Research
    Volume 14, No. 06, ISSN 2577-5699
  25. Analytical study of ‘Delusion’ section of Murphy’s Repertory in the Management of Psychosomatic Disorders, KBA’s Mission, July-September 2024,  ISSN 2582- 9408

Book Publication

Dr. (Mrs.) A .S. Pareek Published a book "Solving Emotional Issues naturally through 38 Flower Remedies."

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  1.  Automatic Hand Sanitizer Dispenser Design No.  415709-001 dated 03/05/2024.
  2.  Homoeopathic drop dispenser Design No. 434274-001 dated 14/10/2024.
  3.  Homoeopathic micro-mist inhaler device – Filed.  Application No.  437848-001
  4.  Automated Homoeopathic succussion device – Filed. Application No.  444852-001 dated 20-01- 2025  
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Dr. (Mrs.) Arpana S. Pareek

Homoeo Gaurav Samman 2023

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Dr. (Mrs.) Arpana S. Pareek

 Young Achiever Award 2022


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Miss. Garima Jain

IV BHMS, secured Dr. Arun Bhasme Gold Medal in Repertory Subject in Winter 2019 MUHS Examinations.

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Miss. Shalini Sharma

IV BHMS, secured Dr. Arun Bhasme Gold Medal in Repertory Subject in Winter 2014 MUHS Examinations.

Resource Person

Sr. No.

Name of Staff





Dr. A. S. Pareek

Construction of MCQ 

KBAHMC Chandwad



Dr. A. S. Pareek

Comparative Studies of Philosophical Repertories

SKHMC Kulasekharam, Tamilnadu

20/05/2011 & 21/05/2011


Dr. A. S. Pareek

Workshop on WEBGURU

KBAHMC Chandwad



Dr. A. S. Pareek

MET Workshop 2nd Day

KMHMC Ahmednagar



Dr. A. S. Pareek

Student Assessment

KBAHMC Chandwad



Dr. A. S. Pareek

MET Workshop 2nd Day

MHMC Nashik



Dr. A. S. Pareek

Workshop on WEBGURU

KBAHMC Chandwad



Dr. A. S. Pareek

Repertorial Approach to Hypothyroidism

GHMC Bhopal



Dr. S. I. Chordiya

Basics of Personality, Aptitude Test & Intelligence Quotient

DCS’S Smt. K. C. Ajmera AMC, Deopur, Dhule



Dr. A. S. Pareek

MET workshop 3rd Day

Institute of Nursing Adgaon Nashik 



Dr. A. S. Pareek

Research Methodology

GHMC, Jalna



Dr. A. S. Pareek

Advance Teachings of Fundamentals of Homoeopathy

GHMC, Jalna



Dr. A. S. Pareek

Boger Synoptic Key




Dr. A. S. Pareek

Advance Teachings of Fundamentals of Homoeopathy

SRK University Bhopal



Dr. A. S. Pareek

Phatak’s Repertory

360 Homoeopathy



Dr. A. S. Pareek

Advance Teachings of Fundamentals of Homoeopathy

GHMC, Jalna



Dr. A. S. Pareek

Dissertation Writing

GHMC, Jalna



Dr. A. S. Pareek

Academia ERP-V2

KBAHMC Chandwad



Dr. A. S. Pareek

Modern Repertories

MUHS Nashik



Dr. A. S. Pareek

Role of Biostatistics in Homoeopathy

MUHS Nashik



Dr. A. S. Pareek

Modern Repertories

Rajkot Homoeopathic Medical College Gujarat



Dr. A. S. Pareek

Syllabus, Paper Pattern and MCQ

MUHS Nashik



Dr. A. S. Pareek

Healthy life style, Yoga and Corona Awareness.

SNJB’S Polytechnic College (Civil Branch) Chandwad



Dr. A. S. Pareek

Construction of MCQ

KBAHMC Chandwad



Dr. A. S. Pareek

Healthy life style, Yoga and Corona Awareness.

SNJB’S Polytechnic College (FD and ID Branch), Chandwad



Dr. A. S. Pareek

Research Methodology workshop 

KMHMC, Ahmednagar



Dr. A. S. Pareek

Workshop on e-courses/e-learning resources

KBAHMC Chandwad



Dr. A. S. Pareek

Pre-orientation workshop of NAAC

KMHMC, Ahmednagar


Paper Presentation

  1. Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Triticum vulgaris: Case Series Results Analysed via the Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale during International conference on Research and Innovation in multidisciplinary domains organized at Noble University Junagadh on 28th Dec 2024. 
  2. A clinical study of Nasal Polyps and its Homoeopathic Management through Robin Murphy’s Repertory: A prospective case series study at 35th International conference on Innovating Education & Research:  a multidisciplinary approach on 15th December 2024.
  3. Exploring the Potential Benefit of Homoeopathic Medicine Benzolum in Augmenting Total Leucocyte Count in Post Leukemic Patient:  A Case Study at Jignasa International Conference 2024 at Nashik on 13/06/2024.
  4. Scope of different Repertories in relieving Anxiety induced Neurosis symptoms: A Prospective observational study presented at FSBH 2022 organized by Sarada Krishna HMC, Kulasekharam, Tamilnadu on 19/03/2022.

Poster Presentation

  1. Dr. A. S. Pareek presented a Pposter on topic "Scope of different Repertories in relieving Anxiety induced Neurosis symptoms in the age group of 40-60 years: A descriptive case series study at National Level (online) Post Graduate Homoeopathic Research Conclave 2022 on 10/12/2022 Organized by Bharati Vidyapeeth, Pune.
  2. Dr. (Mrs.)  A. S. Pareek presented a poster entitled "Efficacy of Homoeopathic Remedy Natrum Carb in the Treatment of Lichen Simplex Chronicus: A Case Report" in the All India Homoeopathic Post Gradute Seminar hosted by PG Scholars of the Calcutta HMC&H in association with the PG Scholars of D.N.De HMC&H & MBHMC&H Under Technical Colloboration of NCH, CCRH, NIH, Ministry of AYUSH on 7th & 8th November 2022 at Biswa Bangla Convention Centre, Kolkata, West Bengal.

Course Conducted

  1. Conducted Certificate course on Bach Flower Therapy for IV Year BHMS Students of Summer 2023 and Winter 2023 students of 15 days duration.
  2. Conducted value added Course on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for IV Year BHMS Students of Winter 2024 and Summer 2025 students of 15 days duration.
  3. Conducted National Teachers Eligibility Test Guidance coaching at National Level from 15/10/2024 to 21/10/2024.
  4. Conducted National Teachers Eligibility Test Guidance coaching at National Level from 10/11/2024 to 16/11/2024.

Course Outcome


  • After the end of final year, graduate will be able to use general repertories in their clinical practice.
  • Graduates will be more efficient in working out the cases with Homoeopathic softwares
  • Graduates can be able to use Regional repertories in their clinical practice.
  • Graduate can be able to use clinical repertories in their bedside practice.
  • Scientific homoeopathic practice will be more successful after learning subject Repertory  
  • Improvement in making questionnaire that will help for Case taking skills.
  • Study of Comparative Materia Medica can be possible.


  • Improvement in making questionnaire that will help for Case taking skills and Repertorization.
  •  Postgraduate can recognize the importance of Knowledge of Repertorial totality.
  • Post graduate can be able to participate in case and paper presentations in different activities run in the academic schedule.
  • Postgraduate can recognize the need of Repertory in day-to-day practice.    
  • Postgraduate will be well efficient for using different techniques of repertorization.
  • Time saving Scientific Homoeopathic practice is possible.
  • Research project in the subject of Repertory is possible.


  • After successful completion of the course, postgraduate can be able to recognize prescriptive needs of homoeopathic practitioners.
  • Postgraduate can be able to understand philosophies underlying various Repertories in detail.
  • Application of knowledge of various repertories in clinical practice will be more successful.
  • Postgraduate can plan to prepare own repertory
  • Knowledge of different software will help for advanced Repertorization.
  • Self motivation for higher studies.

Program Specific Outcome


  • Knowledge of Repertory will help Homoeopath in searching group of scientific similar remedies.
  • Study of Homoeopathic Materia Medica can be done by learning Repertories.
  • Knowledge of Remedy Relationship and its application will be improved by the knowledge of Repertory.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              


  •  The knowledge of different methods, techniques, systems and processes of Repertorization will help to save the time in busy schedule of practice.
  • Advanced Knowledge of Philosophical repertories, regional repertories, clinical repertories and Puritan repertories will help for case Repertorization.
  • Case taking skills and scientific prescription is possible by the postgraduate study.                                       
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Poster Presented at Bhartiya Vidyapeeth's Research Conclave 2022

Dr. (Mrs.) Arpana Pareek Presented her Research paper at Bhartiya Vidyapeeth, Pune

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Poster Presented at AIHPGS, Kolkata on 07/11/2022

Dr. (Mrs.) Arpana Pareek Presented her Research paper at AIHPGS, Kolkata

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